Wednesday 8 January 2020

If I am beautiful

Kalau Aku cantik.....

Aku nak kulit flawless mcm telur rebus...tiada pori pori kelihatan...
Warna kulit sekata....kemerah merahan...
Mata bulat memukau...

Tiada Whitehead & blackhead
Bibir cute lembut Tak kering....

Tinggi lampai & kurus....
Rambut lurus ikal mayang...

How I wish to have all this!!!!!

Kalau cantik mesti ramai yang suka kan😊😊😊😊

It's 2020

Working at exyte will be the best thing in's about ur career enhancement..being working in a big company will be the best u manage to get along with others colleague from different background...

*Write by me on 9 Jan 2020*